Category Archives: Birds

50: Say hello to my little friend

We dig deep into the sticky issue of the reported medicinal properties of Manuka honey.

Our main topic this week is Unusual Pets: more specifically, we outline common unusual pet species and debate which make good pets, and which species should not be kept.

Brendan competes his review of the Clarius veterinary wireless ultrasound system. He gives its a high 9.4

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Manuka Honey -science or snake oil?

Unique pollen signatures in Australian honey could help tackle a counterfeit industry

Why do Canberrans pronounce Manuka differently?

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Chemical Essentials. Cleaning and disinfection products and solutions for a wide variety of industries throughout Australia, as well as specific markets in New Zealand, Singapore and Papua New Guinea. The sole importer of the internationally acclaimed F10SC Disinfectant and its related range of advanced cleaning, personal hygiene and animal skin care products.

Specialised Animal Nutrition. Specialised Animal Nutrition is the Australian distributor of Oxbow Animal Health products. Used and recommended by top exotic animal veterinarians around the globe,  the Oxbow range comprises premium life-staged feeds and supportive care products for small herbivores.  Twitter: @VetGurus

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46: Clapping Birds

Pacific Chocolate and the koala genome – what’s the link? Listen and find out. Also hear about the vegetarian bear, dairy farming in India and finally, why chickens may wear diapers/nappies. Now that’s a variety of news items.

Chlamydiosis in birds is this weeks main topic. Brendan quizzes Mark to find out how prevalent this disease is in pet birds, then they both discuss zoonotic aspects of this disease – Psittacosis. The discussion includes diagnostic steps, treatment options and control.


Cracking the koala genetic code

Large vegetarian bear

Does your chicken need a diaper?

The Indian dairy industry

Please support our main sponsors. When you next purchase their products let them know you listen to the VetGurus and thank them for supporting us!!

Chemical Essentials. Cleaning and disinfection products and solutions for a wide variety of industries throughout Australia, as well as specific markets in New Zealand, Singapore and Papua New Guinea. The sole importer of the internationally acclaimed F10SC Disinfectant and its related range of advanced cleaning, personal hygiene and animal skin care products.

Specialised Animal Nutrition. Specialised Animal Nutrition is the Australian distributor of Oxbow Animal Health products. Used and recommended by top exotic animal veterinarians around the globe,  the Oxbow range comprises premium life-staged feeds and supportive care products for small herbivores.

Contact us:  Twitter: @VetGurus

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34: Unusually Common

Does the human race do anything right? Well, we are very good at eradicating other species. Greyhound racing is banned in the Australian Capital Territory and giant predatory worms have invaded France! So what exactly is the Icarus project and why are we excited about it? Listen to our news section to find out.

A rapid fire discussion of 10 conditions of unusual pets is our main topic this week. Brendan and Mark point out some common reasons why various unusual pets are brought to see a vet – including some conditions you may be seeing, but not noticing.


Human race just 0.01% of all life but has eradicated most other living things

Greyhound racing and trialling in Australian Capital Territory banned

Giant predatory worms have invaded France

Where do songbirds go when the music’s over? The Icarus project

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33: The Power of the Ostrich

Calls to ban trade in amphibians from Asia is our first news story. Do therapy dogs like their work? – we find out. The sad story of the Vaquita, the smallest porpoise species in the world leaves us depressed, so in our final news story we are amazed as a crow steals a credit card and tries to buy a train ticket!

We interview Doug Black from Microchips Australia for our main feature this week. We discover the power of the ostrich. Doug has a fascinating story to tell: how he became an Ostrich vet – almost by chance – and he regales us with some stories of veterinary work during the ostrich farming boom. He then talks about his other interests including his wonderful work for male mental health. A great person and a great interview.


Microchips Australia

Calls to ban trade in Amphibians from Asia.

End Extinction International

Do therapy dogs like their work?

Crow steals credit card to buy ticket

Contact us:  Twitter: @VetGurus

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28: Bird Breath

News is a bit depressing this week with a story about a kangaroo in a zoo stoned because it wasn’t hoping for visitors; popular animals facing higher extinction rates and the severity of the 2016 Great Barrier Reef bleaching. Brighter news is the story of Toby the cat who found a new home after his owners rejected him.

The product review from Mark is a bit left-field, with his take on the state of Australian basketball. We’re not sure what it has to do with veterinary medicine, however his enthusiasm is infectious and he gives the Australian basketball a perfect score of 10. Not much room for improvement!

Avian anaesthesia, with emphasis on how to keep the patient stable .. and alive.. during the procedure, is our main topic. Brendan quizzes Mark to learn the secrets of bird anaesthesia, including a discussion on mounting, fluid therapy, thermal support and more.

Don’t forget to send in an email to with a veterinary story for a chance to win a signed copy of A Guide to Health and Disease in Reptiles and Amphibians. Shipping to the winner – wherever they are located in the world – is included. So drop us a line, say hi and tell us a story!


A kangaroo wouldn’t hop – so zoo visitors stoned it to death

Popular animals face higher risk of extinction

Toby the cat walked 12 miles to get back to the family that didn’t want him

How the 2016 bleaching altered the shape of the northern Great Barrier Reef

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25: Hatch

A dog in a park, Sea Turtles on a Mumbai beach, and a billboard built for birds in Sweden are the varied news items this week. In other news, Mark ponders on how rabies causes aggression.

Our main topic is eggs and incubation. Mark talks us through the process of candling eggs to determine if the embryo is viable, the basics of incubation and tips to maximise the chance of the eggs hatching. We then provide an overview of the approach to infertility in birds – what to do when a client brings infertile eggs into the clinic for advice.


Priam Parrot Breeding information

Sea turtles return to Mumbai beach after 20-year absence

How does rabies cause aggression?

Photographer captures bittersweet spirit of a dog who has been living in a park for 13 years

Swedish billboard is quite literally for the birds

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Episode 17: Zoo-noses! Feb 9 2018

A thunderstorm, dodgy wifi and noisy neighbours make this weeks podcast special! Topical news includes discussion on a new species of Lemur discovery in Madagascar; a birding Facebook group gets all haughty and bans owl photos, and we wrestle with an article discussing the effects of war on wildlife.

Mark gets off his couch to review an avian book full of pretty photos

Then we wade into zoonoses as our main topic of the week with a discussion on avian chlamydia and salmonella in reptiles and their effects on humans.

The book review by Mark is Owls,Frogmouths and Nightjars of Australia which he rates 8 out of 10.


CDC advice for reptiles and amphibian care

NSW advice for safe handling of fish and reptiles

Psittacosis advice sheet Australia

Contact us:      Twitter: @VetGurus

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Episode 7: Yolkal

This week we have an update on the Orange-bellied Parrot recovery program in the news section, together with a dramatic follow up regarding rabbits and their flatulence. The main topic this week is a discussion of egg coelomitis and egg binding. What species are prone to these conditions, how do we treat, and what is the prognosis?

We are very excited about our upcoming Christmas special. The special will have lots of reviews – both veterinary and non veterinary. Send us a link to any products you think we should include in the special. Email us at


Tasmania Government official Orange-bellied Parrot Facebook site

Orange-bellied Parrot recovery program

Definition of Yolkal from the Urban Dictionary

Unusual Pet and Avian Veterinarians (UPAV) special interest group of the Australian Veterinary Association

Outro music courtesy of Canadian Lee Rosevere from

Twitter: @VetGurus