Category Archives: Veterinary

105: More News

Main Topic: News Extravaganza

Crazy, Zany and just plain weird. No, we’re not talking about Brendan’s bad habits, but the news stories this week. We jump in and dig up the best veterinary and animal news stories. Only the VetGurus are brave enough to get the best of the best… and the worst… news.

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Become a Patron of VetGurus: Support us by ‘throwing a bone’ to the VetGurus – a small regular donation to help pay for our production costs. It’s easy; just go to our Patreon site. You can be a rabbit.. or an echidna.. one day we are hoping for a Guru level patron!

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Support our sponsors

Microchips Australia: Microchips Australia is the Australian distributor for: Trovan microchips, readers and reading systems; Lone Star Veterinary Retractor systems and Petrek GPS tracking products. Microchips Australia is run by veterinarians experienced in small and large animal as well as avian and exotic practice, they know exactly what is needed for your practice.

Chemical Essentials. Cleaning and disinfection products and solutions for a wide variety of industries throughout Australia, as well as specific markets in New Zealand, Singapore and Papua New Guinea. The sole importer of the internationally acclaimed F10SC Disinfectant and its related range of advanced cleaning, personal hygiene and animal skin care products.

Specialised Animal Nutrition. Specialised Animal Nutrition is the Australian distributor of Oxbow Animal Health products. Used and recommended by top exotic animal veterinarians around the globe,  the Oxbow range comprises premium life-staged feeds and supportive care products for small herbivores.

104: Paperwork


Main Topic: Regulations, consent forms and paperwork

The main topic this week is one that may result in your eyes glazing over and drifting off to sleep.. maybe more so than usual. We discuss confidentiality, consent for surgery and euthanasia forms. zzzzzzz….. Actually this topic IS very important, as not only may it save your bacon (or horse, or dog, cat reptile etc) but legally covering you, it dramatically reduces the chance of complaints and unhappy clients.

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Chemical Essentials. Cleaning and disinfection products and solutions for a wide variety of industries throughout Australia, as well as specific markets in New Zealand, Singapore and Papua New Guinea. The sole importer of the internationally acclaimed F10SC Disinfectant and its related range of advanced cleaning, personal hygiene and animal skin care products.

Specialised Animal Nutrition. Specialised Animal Nutrition is the Australian distributor of Oxbow Animal Health products. Used and recommended by top exotic animal veterinarians around the globe,  the Oxbow range comprises premium life-staged feeds and supportive care products for small herbivores.

Microchips Australia: Microchips Australia is the Australian distributor for: Trovan microchips, readers and reading systems; Lone Star Veterinary Retractor systems and Petrek GPS tracking products. Microchips Australia is run by veterinarians experienced in small and large animal as well as avian and exotic practice, they know exactly what is needed for your practice.

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Become a Patron

Become a Patron of VetGurus: Support us by ‘throwing a bone’ to the VetGurus – a small regular donation to help pay for our production costs. It’s easy; just go to our Patreon site. You can be a rabbit.. or an echidna.. one day we are hoping for a Guru level patron!

103: Myxo


Main Topic: Myxomatosis in Rabbits

Myxomatosis. The dreaded ‘Myxo’. This week Brendan and Mark discuss this nasty virus and its effect on pet rabbits. Clinical signs, vaccination and prevention are discussed. Should you treat a confirmed case? Listen to find out!

Support our sponsors

Microchips Australia: Microchips Australia is the Australian distributor for: Trovan microchips, readers and reading systems; Lone Star Veterinary Retractor systems and Petrek GPS tracking products. Microchips Australia is run by veterinarians experienced in small and large animal as well as avian and exotic practice, they know exactly what is needed for your practice.

Chemical Essentials. Cleaning and disinfection products and solutions for a wide variety of industries throughout Australia, as well as specific markets in New Zealand, Singapore and Papua New Guinea. The sole importer of the internationally acclaimed F10SC Disinfectant and its related range of advanced cleaning, personal hygiene and animal skin care products.

Specialised Animal Nutrition. Specialised Animal Nutrition is the Australian distributor of Oxbow Animal Health products. Used and recommended by top exotic animal veterinarians around the globe,  the Oxbow range comprises premium life-staged feeds and supportive care products for small herbivores.

Don’t be Shy – say Hi!

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Become a Patron

Become a Patron of VetGurus: Support us by ‘throwing a bone’ to the VetGurus – a small regular donation to help pay for our production costs. It’s easy; just go to our Patreon site. You can be a rabbit.. or an echidna.. one day we are hoping for a Guru level patron!

102: Bunny Basics Part Tooth


Main Topic: The Rabbit Consultation Part 2

This week is Part 2 of our Rabbit Consultation topic. We continue on from last week, and discuss topics including our approach the hands-on clinical examination.

Support our sponsors

Specialised Animal Nutrition. Specialised Animal Nutrition is the Australian distributor of Oxbow Animal Health products. Used and recommended by top exotic animal veterinarians around the globe,  the Oxbow range comprises premium life-staged feeds and supportive care products for small herbivores.

Microchips Australia: Microchips Australia is the Australian distributor for: Trovan microchips, readers and reading systems; Lone Star Veterinary Retractor systems and Petrek GPS tracking products. Microchips Australia is run by veterinarians experienced in small and large animal as well as avian and exotic practice, they know exactly what is needed for your practice.

Chemical Essentials. Cleaning and disinfection products and solutions for a wide variety of industries throughout Australia, as well as specific markets in New Zealand, Singapore and Papua New Guinea. The sole importer of the internationally acclaimed F10SC Disinfectant and its related range of advanced cleaning, personal hygiene and animal skin care products.

Don’t be Shy – say Hi!

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Become a Patron

Become a Patron of VetGurus: Support us by ‘throwing a bone’ to the VetGurus – a small regular donation to help pay for our production costs. It’s easy; just go to our Patreon site. You can be a rabbit.. or an echidna.. one day we are hoping for a Guru level patron!

101: Bunny Basics Part 1


Main Topic: The Rabbit Consultation

We are back to basics this week with a discussion of what to do with the new bunny consultation. Brendan and Mark take you through the first consultation for a new young rabbit. They discuss the key points to consider in this first visit. This is part 1 of a 2 parter…. listen next week for – wait for it – Part 2!


Brendan (sort-of) reviews augmented reality indoor cycling programs…. though a full review will be out in a later episode.

Support our sponsors

Chemical Essentials. Cleaning and disinfection products and solutions for a wide variety of industries throughout Australia, as well as specific markets in New Zealand, Singapore and Papua New Guinea. The sole importer of the internationally acclaimed F10SC Disinfectant and its related range of advanced cleaning, personal hygiene and animal skin care products.

Specialised Animal Nutrition. Specialised Animal Nutrition is the Australian distributor of Oxbow Animal Health products. Used and recommended by top exotic animal veterinarians around the globe,  the Oxbow range comprises premium life-staged feeds and supportive care products for small herbivores.

Microchips Australia: Microchips Australia is the Australian distributor for: Trovan microchips, readers and reading systems; Lone Star Veterinary Retractor systems and Petrek GPS tracking products. Microchips Australia is run by veterinarians experienced in small and large animal as well as avian and exotic practice, they know exactly what is needed for your practice.

Don’t be Shy – say Hi!

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Become a Patron

Become a Patron of VetGurus: Support us by ‘throwing a bone’ to the VetGurus – a small regular donation to help pay for our production costs. It’s easy; just go to our Patreon site. You can be a rabbit.. or an echidna.. one day we are hoping for a Guru level patron!

100: The Ton – Celebration

It’s our 100th episode – woohooo! Listen and bask in the dysfunction of the VetGurus, as Brendan and Mark reminisce about our 100 episodes (or is that 99?) and get stuck into some news stories.

Thanks to all of our wonderful supporters. Without you we would be just voices in the wind…. we highly value your support – yes, you! You can help us by mentioning our podcast to colleagues and encouraging them to subscribe.


Main Topic:

Brendan and Mark reminisce over the last 99 episodes as we head towards our 2 year anniversary of the VetGurus podcast.

Don’t be Shy – say Hi!

Don’t forget to drop us a line to say hi:

Support our sponsors

Chemical Essentials. Cleaning and disinfection products and solutions for a wide variety of industries throughout Australia, as well as specific markets in New Zealand, Singapore and Papua New Guinea. The sole importer of the internationally acclaimed F10SC Disinfectant and its related range of advanced cleaning, personal hygiene and animal skin care products.

Specialised Animal Nutrition. Specialised Animal Nutrition is the Australian distributor of Oxbow Animal Health products. Used and recommended by top exotic animal veterinarians around the globe,  the Oxbow range comprises premium life-staged feeds and supportive care products for small herbivores.

Microchips Australia: Microchips Australia is the Australian distributor for: Trovan microchips, readers and reading systems; Lone Star Veterinary Retractor systems and Petrek GPS tracking products. Microchips Australia is run by veterinarians experienced in small and large animal as well as avian and exotic practice, they know exactly what is needed for your practice.

Become a Patron

Become a Patron of VetGurus: Support us by ‘throwing a bone’ to the VetGurus – a small regular donation to help pay for our production costs. It’s easy; just go to our Patreon site. You can be a rabbit.. or an echidna.. one day we are hoping for a Guru level patron!

99: Luft Ballons


Main Topic: Hermit Crab Care

We continue to delve into our ‘care of’ series with this weeks fascinating creature: the Hermit Crab (superfamily Paguroidea)


Mark reviews Moorea Ocean Adventures in French Polynesia and gives them a score of 10 out of 10.


The Crab Street Journal for hermit crab care

More Hermit Crab info here and here

Support our sponsors

Microchips Australia: Microchips Australia is the Australian distributor for: Trovan microchips, readers and reading systems; Lone Star Veterinary Retractor systems and Petrek GPS tracking products. Microchips Australia is run by veterinarians experienced in small and large animal as well as avian and exotic practice, they know exactly what is needed for your practice.

Chemical Essentials. Cleaning and disinfection products and solutions for a wide variety of industries throughout Australia, as well as specific markets in New Zealand, Singapore and Papua New Guinea. The sole importer of the internationally acclaimed F10SC Disinfectant and its related range of advanced cleaning, personal hygiene and animal skin care products.

Specialised Animal Nutrition. Specialised Animal Nutrition is the Australian distributor of Oxbow Animal Health products. Used and recommended by top exotic animal veterinarians around the globe,  the Oxbow range comprises premium life-staged feeds and supportive care products for small herbivores.

Don’t be Shy – say Hi!

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Become a Patron

Become a Patron of VetGurus: Support us by ‘throwing a bone’ to the VetGurus – a small regular donation to help pay for our production costs. It’s easy; just go to our Patreon site. You can be a rabbit.. or an echidna.. one day we are hoping for a Guru level patron!

98: Clickbait


Main Topic: News…..

Time to catch up with some news stories.. again! The world of animals,las is full of wondrous stories… lets see what Brendan and Mark discuss this week!

Support our sponsors

Specialised Animal Nutrition. Specialised Animal Nutrition is the Australian distributor of Oxbow Animal Health products. Used and recommended by top exotic animal veterinarians around the globe,  the Oxbow range comprises premium life-staged feeds and supportive care products for small herbivores.

Microchips Australia: Microchips Australia is the Australian distributor for: Trovan microchips, readers and reading systems; Lone Star Veterinary Retractor systems and Petrek GPS tracking products. Microchips Australia is run by veterinarians experienced in small and large animal as well as avian and exotic practice, they know exactly what is needed for your practice.

Chemical Essentials. Cleaning and disinfection products and solutions for a wide variety of industries throughout Australia, as well as specific markets in New Zealand, Singapore and Papua New Guinea. The sole importer of the internationally acclaimed F10SC Disinfectant and its related range of advanced cleaning, personal hygiene and animal skin care products.

Don’t be Shy – say Hi!

Don’t forget to drop us a line to say hi:

Become a Patron

Become a Patron of VetGurus: Support us by ‘throwing a bone’ to the VetGurus – a small regular donation to help pay for our production costs. It’s easy; just go to our Patreon site. You can be a rabbit.. or an echidna.. one day we are hoping for a Guru level patron!

96: News and Reviews


Main Topic:

News, and more news this week takes up most of our main topic. Brendan and Mark have gone mad: gearing up their practices.. here is a list of the products/items reviewed in this week’s episode:

Support our sponsors

Specialised Animal Nutrition. Specialised Animal Nutrition is the Australian distributor of Oxbow Animal Health products. Used and recommended by top exotic animal veterinarians around the globe,  the Oxbow range comprises premium life-staged feeds and supportive care products for small herbivores.

Microchips Australia: Microchips Australia is the Australian distributor for: Trovan microchips, readers and reading systems; Lone Star Veterinary Retractor systems and Petrek GPS tracking products. Microchips Australia is run by veterinarians experienced in small and large animal as well as avian and exotic practice, they know exactly what is needed for your practice.

Chemical Essentials. Cleaning and disinfection products and solutions for a wide variety of industries throughout Australia, as well as specific markets in New Zealand, Singapore and Papua New Guinea. The sole importer of the internationally acclaimed F10SC Disinfectant and its related range of advanced cleaning, personal hygiene and animal skin care products.

Don’t be Shy – say Hi!

Don’t forget to drop us a line to say hi:

Become a Patron

Become a Patron of VetGurus: Support us by ‘throwing a bone’ to the VetGurus – a small regular donation to help pay for our production costs. It’s easy; just go to our Patreon site. You can be a rabbit.. or an echidna.. one day we are hoping for a Guru level patron!

94: Poached Eggs


Main Topic: Avian Reproduction

Bird Breeding. How does it happen? What causes it to go wrong? How to make it happen? Brendan quizzes Mark this week about this fascinating avian topic. Eggciting stuff!

Support our sponsors

Chemical Essentials. Cleaning and disinfection products and solutions for a wide variety of industries throughout Australia, as well as specific markets in New Zealand, Singapore and Papua New Guinea. The sole importer of the internationally acclaimed F10SC Disinfectant and its related range of advanced cleaning, personal hygiene and animal skin care products.

Specialised Animal Nutrition. Specialised Animal Nutrition is the Australian distributor of Oxbow Animal Health products. Used and recommended by top exotic animal veterinarians around the globe,  the Oxbow range comprises premium life-staged feeds and supportive care products for small herbivores.

Microchips Australia: Microchips Australia is the Australian distributor for: Trovan microchips, readers and reading systems; Lone Star Veterinary Retractor systems and Petrek GPS tracking products. Microchips Australia is run by veterinarians experienced in small and large animal as well as avian and exotic practice, they know exactly what is needed for your practice.

Don’t be Shy – say Hi!

Don’t forget to drop us a line to say hi:

Become a Patron

Become a Patron of VetGurus: Support us by ‘throwing a bone’ to the VetGurus – a small regular donation to help pay for our production costs. It’s easy; just go to our Patreon site. You can be a rabbit.. or an echidna.. one day we are hoping for a Guru level patron!