Category Archives: Guinea Pig

27: The Kindest Cut

Quirky news again this week, which begins with talk on empathy – can it be learned, is there a genetic factor or who cares? A field study of Mary River Turtles in Australia reveals an ageing population. The cannibal Red Squirrels of Yukon and the death of Australia’s last flamingo are our last news stories.

Our main topic discusses the benefits of desexing, with particular emphasis on small mammals. What are the other benefits of desexing apart from the obvious prevention of breeding and helping control behaviour issues? Mark and Brendan point out significant reasons why we need to desex our small mammals.


Can you learn empathy?

‘They might just disappear’: warning over ‘punk’ turtle’s future

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22: Guinea Pigs – Top 10 Tips and Tricks

Brendan may have Man Flu but that doesn’t stop the vet gurus from releasing another podcast full of veterinary goodness! He soldiers on, delirious, to warn us not to feed the monkeys, and directs our attention to a cute polar bear cub born in the UK. Mark presents 6 unusual facts about Tapirs and muses over the potential demise of the world’s smallest porpoise.

Our review this week is a movie – or make that 2 movies: BladeRunner and the recently released BladeRunner 2049. Both of us award it over 9 out of 10.

Top Tips and Tricks about Guinea Pigs is out main topic this week. We provide some fun facts and figures regarding our piggy friends, including the fact they don’t come from guinea, a disturbing picture of geriatric male guinea pig rectums, and the composition of uroliths in this species.


Please don’t feed the Florida Monkeys

First Polar Cub born in the UK in 25 years

Earth’s tiniest porpoise approaches extinction

Tapir Facts

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Episode 18: Itchy and Scratchy – Feb 16 2018

Mark is back from a holiday in Fiji, refreshed, tanned, and full of hot air.

The news is mostly about birds this week, where we learn about bird brains, the pros and cons of feeding wild birds, and the sad life of a New Zealand Gannet. In brighter news, the invention of an edible 6-pack may help protect marine mammals.

Our book review this week is a reptile text of great value and use for general practitioners, though Brendan refuses to give it a score out of 10: Listen to the podcast to find out why!

Our main topic this week is ectoparasites of small mammals. We scratch the itch to discuss mange in guinea pigs, fur mites in rabbits, and rodents that can’t stop scratching. Just thinking about these topics is making us itchy.

Book review: Reptile Medicine and Surgery in Clinical Practice

or find it on the USA Wiley site here


Ecology expert to bid feeder

Brewery’s edible 6-pack protects marine mammals

Bird Brains

No Mates Nigel the New Zealand Gannet 


This is the Fiji resort that Mark stayed at. And here is a picture of one of his crabs!:

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