Category Archives: Practice management

82: Ferret Friends


Main Topic: ?

Ferret care: The basics. We dive into aspects of ferret care – for clients and vets and veterinary nurses/technicians. Get the lowdown on how to look after these inquisitive pets.

Support our sponsors

Chemical Essentials. Cleaning and disinfection products and solutions for a wide variety of industries throughout Australia, as well as specific markets in New Zealand, Singapore and Papua New Guinea. The sole importer of the internationally acclaimed F10SC Disinfectant and its related range of advanced cleaning, personal hygiene and animal skin care products.

Specialised Animal Nutrition. Specialised Animal Nutrition is the Australian distributor of Oxbow Animal Health products. Used and recommended by top exotic animal veterinarians around the globe,  the Oxbow range comprises premium life-staged feeds and supportive care products for small herbivores.

Microchips Australia: Microchips Australia is the Australian distributor for: Trovan microchips, readers and reading systems; Lone Star Veterinary Retractor systems and Petrek GPS tracking products. Microchips Australia is run by veterinarians experienced in small and large animal as well as avian and exotic practice, they know exactly what is needed for your practice.

Don’t be Shy – say Hi!

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Become a Patron

Become a Patron of VetGurus: Support us by ‘throwing a bone’ to the VetGurus – a small regular donation to help pay for our production costs. It’s easy; just go to our Patreon site. You can be a rabbit.. or an echidna.. one day we are hoping for a Guru level patron!

80: Honourable Discharge


Main Topic: Discharging Patients

We cover the basic steps in ensuring an uneventful – or happy – discharge of patients from the hospital. This includes dealing with the payment, ensuring the patient is presentable and explaining home care to clients.

Support our sponsors

Microchips Australia: Microchips Australia is the Australian distributor for: Trovan microchips, readers and reading systems; Lone Star Veterinary Retractor systems and Petrek GPS tracking products. Microchips Australia is run by veterinarians experienced in small and large animal as well as avian and exotic practice, they know exactly what is needed for your practice.

Chemical Essentials. Cleaning and disinfection products and solutions for a wide variety of industries throughout Australia, as well as specific markets in New Zealand, Singapore and Papua New Guinea. The sole importer of the internationally acclaimed F10SC Disinfectant and its related range of advanced cleaning, personal hygiene and animal skin care products.

Specialised Animal Nutrition. Specialised Animal Nutrition is the Australian distributor of Oxbow Animal Health products. Used and recommended by top exotic animal veterinarians around the globe,  the Oxbow range comprises premium life-staged feeds and supportive care products for small herbivores.

Don’t be Shy – say Hi!

Don’t forget to drop us a line to say hi:

Become a Patron

Become a Patron of VetGurus: Support us by ‘throwing a bone’ to the VetGurus – a small regular donation to help pay for our production costs. It’s easy; just go to our Patreon site. You can be a rabbit.. or an echidna.. one day we are hoping for a Guru level patron!

71: Memorial

Dog food made from insects, snakes used as torture, and legally recognising animals’ feelings are news items this week. Mark finishes off the news with a story about smart birds – so what happened to the phrase ‘bird brained’?

Our main topic is remembrance – dealing with the body after the death of a loved pet. Mark and Brendan talk about options for clients including burial, cremation, and memorial jewellery.


Dog food made from insects to go on sale in UK for first time

In an Australian first, the ACT may legally recognise animals’ feelings

Live snake used to ‘torture’ police suspect in Indonesia

New Caledonian crows smart enough to plan three steps ahead to solve tricky problem

AVA memorial fund for pets

Contact us:  Twitter: @VetGurus

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Support our sponsors:
Specialised Animal Nutrition. Specialised Animal Nutrition is the Australian distributor of Oxbow Animal Health products. Used and recommended by top exotic animal veterinarians around the globe,  the Oxbow range comprises premium life-staged feeds and supportive care products for small herbivores.
Microchips Australia: Microchips Australia is the Australian distributor for: Trovan microchips, readers and reading systems; Lone Star Veterinary Retractor systems and Petrek GPS tracking products. Microchips Australia is run by veterinarians experienced in small and large animal as well as avian and exotic practice, they know exactly what is needed for your practice.
Chemical Essentials. Cleaning and disinfection products and solutions for a wide variety of industries throughout Australia, as well as specific markets in New Zealand, Singapore and Papua New Guinea. The sole importer of the internationally acclaimed F10SC Disinfectant and its related range of advanced cleaning, personal hygiene and animal skin care products.



We love our big statues here in Australia, so the fight over the Biggest Moose between Canada and Norway has us intrigued in our first news story of the week. The search for new species goes on – and 3 new salamander species have been found in Texas. The sad facts behind so called mini pigs are evened, and in the final news story Mark in angry about a cartoon racoon.

Social media, its use and abuse, is our main topic this week. We dive deep into the machinations of setting up and maintaining a website for your practice; discuss reviews of your business – how to get the good ones –  and answer the bad reviews; give ideas for posting on social media sites. A great, practical episode for the inter webs!


Canada and Norway lock horns over who’s got the world’s biggest moose

3 new (and already endangered) species of salamanders discovered in Texas

Contact us:  Twitter: @VetGurus

Become a VetGuru patron! Support our podcast – the equivalent of a coup of coffee is all we ask to help keep us going:


Microchips Australia: Microchips Australia is the Australian distributor for: Trovan microchips, readers and reading systems; Lone Star Veterinary Retractor systems and Petrek GPS tracking products. Microchips Australia is run by veterinarians experienced in small and large animal as well as avian and exotic practice, they know exactly what is needed for your practice. Chemical Essentials. Cleaning and disinfection products and solutions for a wide variety of industries throughout Australia, as well as specific markets in New Zealand, Singapore and Papua New Guinea. The sole importer of the internationally acclaimed F10SC Disinfectant and its related range of advanced cleaning, personal hygiene and animal skin care products.

Specialised Animal Nutrition. Specialised Animal Nutrition is the Australian distributor of Oxbow Animal Health products. Used and recommended by top exotic animal veterinarians around the globe,  the Oxbow range comprises premium life-staged feeds and supportive care products for small herbivores.  

66: How to Train Your Vet

Veterinary student numbers increase in the UK, as they do in many other countries: Brendan and Mark discuss the implications. The secret fighting lives of hummingbirds are revealed, and we find out why killer whale pregnancies fail. Do you have a floppy-eared dog? Is it cute? We find out why floppy ears are thought less threatening than erect ear.

How to Train Your Vet. The main topic is a discussion for veterinary nurses/technicians. We debate the ins and outs of how to deal with cranky vets, problem clients, and which staff members to follow when starting a new job.

If you are hungry then listen to the end for Brendan’s gnocchi recipe!

Links: Why do two-thirds of killer whale pregnancies fail? Veterinary student numbers increase in the UK The secret lives of hummingbirds Why do floppy-eared dogs seem friendlier? 


2019 welcomes a new sponsor of the VetGurus podcast. Microchips Australia has generously agreed to help pay for our production costs. See below for more details of their products and services – visit them now to learn more.

We are also excited to welcome back Chemical Essentials and Specialised Animal Nutrition as sponsors for 2019. Please visit their sites to learn more about these great 3 companies and help us by helping them!

Microchips Australia: Microchips Australia is the Australian distributor for: Trovan microchips, readers and reading systems; Lone Star Veterinary Retractor systems and Petrek GPS tracking products. Microchips Australia is run by veterinarians experienced in small and large animal as well as avian and exotic practice, they know exactly what is needed for your practice.
Chemical Essentials. Cleaning and disinfection products and solutions for a wide variety of industries throughout Australia, as well as specific markets in New Zealand, Singapore and Papua New Guinea. The sole importer of the internationally acclaimed F10SC Disinfectant and its related range of advanced cleaning, personal hygiene and animal skin care products.
Specialised Animal Nutrition. Specialised Animal Nutrition is the Australian distributor of Oxbow Animal Health products. Used and recommended by top exotic animal veterinarians around the globe,  the Oxbow range comprises premium life-staged feeds and supportive care products for small herbivores.

Contact us:  Twitter: @VetGurus

Become a VetGuru patron!

64: Curmudgeon

In this New Year’s special we interview James Harris. We interviewed James at the Adelaide UPAV conference and it was a pleasure to chat to him. James is universally known and loved as a living legend in exotic pet medicine, with a phenomenal reputation as an exotics and wildlife veterinarian. He outlines his journey from the UK to the USA, and eventually Tasmania, where he now resides. James was awarded an Order of Australia medal for services to wildlife care.

Contact us:  Twitter: @VetGurus

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Support our sponsors:

Chemical Essentials. Cleaning and disinfection products and solutions for a wide variety of industries throughout Australia, as well as specific markets in New Zealand, Singapore and Papua New Guinea. The sole importer of the internationally acclaimed F10SC Disinfectant and its related range of advanced cleaning, personal hygiene and animal skin care products.

Specialised Animal Nutrition. Specialised Animal Nutrition is the Australian distributor of Oxbow Animal Health products. Used and recommended by top exotic animal veterinarians around the globe,  the Oxbow range comprises premium life-staged feeds and supportive care products for small herbivores.

63: Ho, Ho, Ho!

It’s our Christmas special with Mark and Brendan getting into the holiday spirit (literally) as they reminisce over the happenings in 2018 and look forward to 2019.

News: The winners of the 2018 Comedy Wildlife Awards are out.. and, not surprisingly, they are quite humorous. In other news, a dog digs up a bone.

We wish all our wonderful listeners a safe, happy and restful holiday period and a wonderful 2019.


Exuberant digging dog unearths 13,000-year-old woolly mammoth tooth

Squirrel can’t believe who won the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards

Coral Reefs Around The World Are In Grave Danger

Contact us:  Twitter: @VetGurus

Support us on Patreon:

Support our sponsors:

Chemical Essentials. Cleaning and disinfection products and solutions for a wide variety of industries throughout Australia, as well as specific markets in New Zealand, Singapore and Papua New Guinea. The sole importer of the internationally acclaimed F10SC Disinfectant and its related range of advanced cleaning, personal hygiene and animal skin care products.

Specialised Animal Nutrition. Specialised Animal Nutrition is the Australian distributor of Oxbow Animal Health products. Used and recommended by top exotic animal veterinarians around the globe,  the Oxbow range comprises premium life-staged feeds and supportive care products for small herbivores.

52: The Prophet Arnold

We are pleased, and relieved, to have Mark back from his recent ventures near Sulawesi in Indonesia. He was there at the time of the earthquake and subsequent Tsunami which has resulted in devastating loss of life and environmental destruction.

The VetGurus get all the breaking news. This week Brendan is breathless talking about an inflatable pet hospital and spins some positive talk about Australian funnel-web spiders, whilst Mark muses on why mammals went the fur route instead of feathers and is surprised at the spotting of a beluga whale in the Thames River in England.

Patient care from admission to discharge is our main topic this week. Mark and Brendan dispense tips and their tricks to ensure the patient is cared for properly and respectfully. They provide some great practice building tips and also tell a few lame jokes.

Please support our main sponsors. When you next purchase their products let them know you listen to the VetGurus and thank them for supporting us!! Chemical Essentials and Specialised Animal Nutrition

Specialised Animal Nutrition. Specialised Animal Nutrition is the Australian distributor of Oxbow Animal Health products. Used and recommended by top exotic animal veterinarians around the globe,  the Oxbow range comprises premium life-staged feeds and supportive care products for small herbivores.

Chemical Essentials. Cleaning and disinfection products and solutions for a wide variety of industries throughout Australia, as well as specific markets in New Zealand, Singapore and Papua New Guinea. The sole importer of the internationally acclaimed F10SC Disinfectant and its related range of advanced cleaning, personal hygiene and animal skin care products.

Contact us:    |   Twitter: @VetGurus    |    Facebook:

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Sponsors: Specialised Animal Nutrition and Chemical Essentials.


Inflatable veterinary field hospital launched ahead of South Australia’s fire season

Why did mammals go the fur route, rather than developing feathers?

Deadly Australian funnel-web spiders can also kill melanoma cancer cells, study shows

‘Extremely rare’ beluga whale spotted in Thames in London

50: Say hello to my little friend

We dig deep into the sticky issue of the reported medicinal properties of Manuka honey.

Our main topic this week is Unusual Pets: more specifically, we outline common unusual pet species and debate which make good pets, and which species should not be kept.

Brendan competes his review of the Clarius veterinary wireless ultrasound system. He gives its a high 9.4

Send us an email to enter our competition for a mystery prize pack delivered to your door:


Manuka Honey -science or snake oil?

Unique pollen signatures in Australian honey could help tackle a counterfeit industry

Why do Canberrans pronounce Manuka differently?

Please support our main sponsors:

Chemical Essentials. Cleaning and disinfection products and solutions for a wide variety of industries throughout Australia, as well as specific markets in New Zealand, Singapore and Papua New Guinea. The sole importer of the internationally acclaimed F10SC Disinfectant and its related range of advanced cleaning, personal hygiene and animal skin care products.

Specialised Animal Nutrition. Specialised Animal Nutrition is the Australian distributor of Oxbow Animal Health products. Used and recommended by top exotic animal veterinarians around the globe,  the Oxbow range comprises premium life-staged feeds and supportive care products for small herbivores.  Twitter: @VetGurus

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43: That’s unusual!

Is it a fish, is it a bird – or is it just a toxic mess? We look at the amazing fish-bird found in China. A kelpie sells for a record price in Australia. In our last news story Mark gets angry, very angry, about some ‘facts’ of the Jurassic world film.

Our main topic this week is in response to an email from a long-time subscriber. Tom asks ‘how do I encourage veterinary staff to get excited about unusual and exotic pets?’ Listen on and we will try to help answer this, and more questions or is that answers?!


Half-fish half-bird found in China

Working dog sells for record price

Fact checking Jurassic world

Please support our main sponsors. When you next purchase their products let them know you listen to the VetGurus and thank them for supporting us!!

Specialised Animal Nutrition. Specialised Animal Nutrition is the Australian distributor of Oxbow Animal Health products. Used and recommended by top exotic animal veterinarians around the globe,  the Oxbow range comprises premium life-staged feeds and supportive care products for small herbivores.

Chemical Essentials. Cleaning and disinfection products and solutions for a wide variety of industries throughout Australia, as well as specific markets in New Zealand, Singapore and Papua New Guinea. The sole importer of the internationally acclaimed F10SC Disinfectant and its related range of advanced cleaning, personal hygiene and animal skin care products.

Contact us:  Twitter: @VetGurus

Support us on Patreon: