Category Archives: Rabbit

34: Unusually Common

Does the human race do anything right? Well, we are very good at eradicating other species. Greyhound racing is banned in the Australian Capital Territory and giant predatory worms have invaded France! So what exactly is the Icarus project and why are we excited about it? Listen to our news section to find out.

A rapid fire discussion of 10 conditions of unusual pets is our main topic this week. Brendan and Mark point out some common reasons why various unusual pets are brought to see a vet – including some conditions you may be seeing, but not noticing.


Human race just 0.01% of all life but has eradicated most other living things

Greyhound racing and trialling in Australian Capital Territory banned

Giant predatory worms have invaded France

Where do songbirds go when the music’s over? The Icarus project

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32: POQ

The news just keeps on coming… this week Mark discusses stress in the veterinary workplace and the love life of Dora the hawk. Brendan discussed the amusing husbandry and feeding of veterinarians for new owners guide. Dingoes and some myths about these canines is the last story this week.

Mark’s product review is the rabbit appeasing pheromone. He refuses to score it, as it is not available for use here in Australia!

Zoonoses, in particular Q Fever – or Query fever – is our main topic this week. We discuss the importance and risks of this bacterial organism


Myths about Dingoes

Hawk comes home from hospital to find her man shacked up with another bird

Husbandry and feeding of veterinarians for new owners

Rabbit Appeasing Pheromone

About Q fever in Australia

Q Fever general information 

CDC Q fever website (USA)

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27: The Kindest Cut

Quirky news again this week, which begins with talk on empathy – can it be learned, is there a genetic factor or who cares? A field study of Mary River Turtles in Australia reveals an ageing population. The cannibal Red Squirrels of Yukon and the death of Australia’s last flamingo are our last news stories.

Our main topic discusses the benefits of desexing, with particular emphasis on small mammals. What are the other benefits of desexing apart from the obvious prevention of breeding and helping control behaviour issues? Mark and Brendan point out significant reasons why we need to desex our small mammals.


Can you learn empathy?

‘They might just disappear’: warning over ‘punk’ turtle’s future

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26: Smile – Rabbit Dental Disease Part 1

Brendan has lost his mind – literally. He outlines his recent experience with transient global amnesia and a stay in hospital over the Easter period. In other news birds are pests in Melbourne –  or are they?; and the concerns about backyard chickens and human health.

Our main topic this week is dental disease in rabbits. We regard this as such an important (and often requested) topic that this is part one of a series of podcasts on rabbit dental disease.


Lyssavirus in Queensland

Transient Global Amnesia

Increased numbers of long- billed Corellas in Melbourne

Backyard Chickens and Human Health concerns

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Episode 19: Bunny Belly – 23 Feb 2018

We marvel at the 2017 Wildlife Photo competition winners, watch some 3D with our praying mantis friends, and a cow joins a herd of wild bison in the news this week. A subscriber puts Brendan and mark on the spot by asking about the ethics of keeping unusual pets – or any pets for that matter.

Our main topic this week is gastrointestinal stasis in rabbits  – often referred to as gut stasis or ileus. The contributing factors of this condition in pet rabbits, together with treatment options are discussed, as well as preventative measures.

Book Review: Exotic Animal Formulary 5th Edition can be found at BookDepository or Amazon. Brendan gives this essential reference text for exotic and unusual pets 8.9 out of 10.


2017 WildlifePhoto Competition Winners

3D vision in Praying Mantises

Cow joins a herd of wild Bison

Oxbow Critical Care for Herbivores

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Episode 18: Itchy and Scratchy – Feb 16 2018

Mark is back from a holiday in Fiji, refreshed, tanned, and full of hot air.

The news is mostly about birds this week, where we learn about bird brains, the pros and cons of feeding wild birds, and the sad life of a New Zealand Gannet. In brighter news, the invention of an edible 6-pack may help protect marine mammals.

Our book review this week is a reptile text of great value and use for general practitioners, though Brendan refuses to give it a score out of 10: Listen to the podcast to find out why!

Our main topic this week is ectoparasites of small mammals. We scratch the itch to discuss mange in guinea pigs, fur mites in rabbits, and rodents that can’t stop scratching. Just thinking about these topics is making us itchy.

Book review: Reptile Medicine and Surgery in Clinical Practice

or find it on the USA Wiley site here


Ecology expert to bid feeder

Brewery’s edible 6-pack protects marine mammals

Bird Brains

No Mates Nigel the New Zealand Gannet 


This is the Fiji resort that Mark stayed at. And here is a picture of one of his crabs!:

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Episode 14: An eerie feeling – Jan 16 2018

We are excited about our new professional recorded intro and outro. Lots of news this week: including how to cope with ‘vet shaming’; an automatic bird identification system program excites Mark; natures smallest rainbow found – on a spider; a lethal bat fungus sees the light, and Brendan dreams of heading off to Richard Branson’s private island.

For our product review Brendan looks at the free PDF e-book Australasian Parasites Inside and Out.

Ears are our topic for this week. We discuss the treatment of aural haematomas, and chat about various ear conditions in unusual pets, and ask the question ‘Why do most ferrets have grotty ears?’


Coping with vet shaming

Automatic bird identification system

Nature’s smallest rainbow on spider

Lethal bat fungus may be susceptible to UV light

Richard Branson’s Koala Conservancy

Australasian Parasites Inside and Out free e-book

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Episode 13: Lucky for some

Here we are already half way through January. Brendan and Mark are both back at work fighting the good fight against pesky parasites, belligerent bacteria, vexatious virus, and cranky clients.

In news, snake eggs are found in a school sandpit in Australia, pumas (or wild mountain lions) are picky when choosing their sleeping sites, and the Mekong region reveals over 100 new species. Mark fires Brendan up with a story about the animal inspirations behind the newest Star Wars creatures, then brings us back to earth with an article about the mental health of animal shelter workers.

Since this is our 13th episode – lucky for some – we decided to make our main topic a chat about the lifespan of pets. How old can we expect our small mammals, birds and reptiles to live for? No spoilers – subscribe and listen to learn the answers.


Snake eggs found in Australian school sandpit

Pumas sleeping habits revealed

Mekong region reveals 115 new species

Greater Mekong region

Animal inspiration behind the Last Jedi creatures

Why do animal shelter workers burn out?

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Outro music courtesy of Canadian Lee Rosevere from

Episode 6: Full Tilt

In news, we chat about species extinction. Johnathan the giant tortoise, who is over 186 years old, is newsworthy, possibly not for the right reasons. Brendan reveals his medicinal tea secret. Mark reviews the Olympus tough TG-4 camera for in-clinic use. We welcome new subscribers from the Association of Exotic Mammal Veterinarians.

The main topic this week is head tilt in rabbits. We put on our thinking caps and discuss the causes of head tilt in rabbits, the diagnostics that may help narrow down our differential list, and debate the effectiveness of potential treatment protocols.

Episode links:

Commentary on species extinction and media coverage. This article by the Guardian from the UK provides some thought provoking reading about the extinction of Rabbs’ fringe-limbed treefrog and the lack of interest of the media to report such events.

Johnathan the Seychelles giant tortoise (Aldabrachelys gigantea hololissa) has his own Wikipedia page. You can also learn more about visiting him from the St Helena official website. The New York Post article on Johnathan is amusing reading.

Olympus Stylus TG-4 Tough Camera review. TG Series cameras information here.  Or view the TG-4 on Amazon

Association of Exotic Mammal Veterinarians (AEMV)

Listener Survey

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Episode 5: Do Rabbits Fart?

We launch our new domain name – News and book review. Our first listener email is answered. How long to fast exotic pets before routine surgery? Mark interviews Brendan about the Melbourne Rabbit Expo which was held last weekend. Do Rabbits Fart? Discussion on the toothpaste method of removing uroliths in Guinea Pigs.

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Book review: Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance You can purchase the book on Amazon here


PlatinumCPD – Hosts of the Melbourne Rabbit Expo

AVA Love is Blind campaign

No Hairs Ark Chinese Crested Rescue