Category Archives: Practice management

38: WildVet

How should we talk to dogs? We finds out all about ‘dog speak’ in our first news item. Dachshunds are popular pets in the UK –  should they be? A good news story to finish: a dog saves a young boy from a dryer.

Dr David Middleton is our star guest and main topic for this week. David is the owner of Mt. Mary vineyard in the Yarra Vallet wine region of Melbourne, Australia. Not only is he famous for his wonderful wines, David mentored Brendan when he was a zoo veterinarian. We sit down with David to discuss wildlife medicine, tell a few stores, and David tells us a wonderful story from his days working as a zoo veterinarian in the field. A wonderful man and a person we could chat to for much longer. We expect we will have David back on our podcast in the future. The interview was done at the Australian Veterinary Association annual conference.

Product review Mark scores a 8.6 for the : Alivecor vet ECG monitor  

Please support our two main sponsors. When you next purchase their products let them know you listen to the VetGurus and thank them for supporting us!!

Chemical Essentials. Cleaning and disinfection products and solutions for a wide variety of industries throughout Australia, as well as specific markets in New Zealand, Singapore and Papua New Guinea. The sole importer of the internationally acclaimed F10SC Disinfectant and its related range of advanced cleaning, personal hygiene and animal skin care products.

Specialised Animal Nutrition. Specialised Animal Nutrition is the Australian distributor of Oxbow Animal Health products. Used and recommended by top exotic animal veterinarians around the globe,  the Oxbow range comprises premium life-staged feeds and supportive care products for small herbivores.


Mt. Mary Winery

European Wasps

Dog Speak

Dachshunds as pets in Britain

Dog saves boy from tumble dryer

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36: Death can be Fatal

Birds can see Earth’s magnetic fields – we find out how. A dog saves a child lost in the Australian outback, predators help farmers and mushrooms kill dogs. A mix of news stories this week to get things started. Thanks to Doug Black for the link to the Bird article.

Euthanasia is our main topic. Specifically, we walk through the 2-stage process for euthanasia of unusual pets, and also discuss the logistics of how to help our clients during the stressful time of the planned death of a loved pet.

Our review this week is a non- veterinary topic: the film Solo: A Star Wars Story. Brendan gives it a 6 out of 10 and Mark scores a 6.2. Both of us were very disappointed with this film and suggest anyone considering watching it wait until it is out for viewing at home via streaming on on DVD/Bluray.

Contact us:  Twitter: @VetGurus

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Birds can see Earth’s magnetic fields

Dogs die for eating poisonous mushrooms

Dog keeps child safe in Australian wilderness

Helping farmers: the benefits of predators

Pushing animals to be more nocturnal

32: POQ

The news just keeps on coming… this week Mark discusses stress in the veterinary workplace and the love life of Dora the hawk. Brendan discussed the amusing husbandry and feeding of veterinarians for new owners guide. Dingoes and some myths about these canines is the last story this week.

Mark’s product review is the rabbit appeasing pheromone. He refuses to score it, as it is not available for use here in Australia!

Zoonoses, in particular Q Fever – or Query fever – is our main topic this week. We discuss the importance and risks of this bacterial organism


Myths about Dingoes

Hawk comes home from hospital to find her man shacked up with another bird

Husbandry and feeding of veterinarians for new owners

Rabbit Appeasing Pheromone

About Q fever in Australia

Q Fever general information 

CDC Q fever website (USA)

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31: Vetgurus on Tour

The news kicks off with the announcement of our competition winner. Congratulations to Elizabeth Pearson! Your signed book is on its way.

In other news we report on a potential threat for the rarest ape in the world, the naming of species after celebrities, and the difficulties of livestock live export.

Another non-veterinary ‘product’ review by Mark today, with a lowdown on a music video by Childish Gambino.

We are on the road this week, reporting from the Australian Veterinary Association 2018 annual conference in Brisbane, Queensland. We have interviews from the trade floor, discussing products available from Specialised Animal Nutrition and Chemical Essentials, and learning a bit more about the owners of these companies and the journey they have taken to get to where they are.


China-backed Sumatran dam threatens the rarest ape in the world

The naming of species after celebrities

Can meat exports be made humane?

Childish Gambino – This is America video

Specialised Animal Nutrition

Chemical Essentials

Contact us:  Twitter: @VetGurus

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24: Sorry!

The news topics just keep on coming: How can dogs help us understand cancer? Can we use cats to control feral rats?; and some quirky facts (and fiction) about platypus. These are the news items this week, together with the sad tale of the last male northern white rhino dying.

Sorry is the title of our main topic this week, as we delve into the complex matter of dealing with complaints. Brendan and Mark outline their experiences with dealing with complaints, and provide some thoughts on the best way to tackle these – something few, if any, people enjoy dealing with.

Our product review is the Spidentify app for Australian spider identification


Platypus facts (or fiction?)

How dogs are helping us understand cancer

Last male northern white rhino dies

Are feral cats the answer to rat infestations?

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23: Dog Days

How long have you had your pet? We meet a woman who has had the same pet for 56 years. Mark gets the claws out and becomes haughty about declawing, and is anxious about caring for sick pets. In the final news item we put to bed the age-old question – can a newt kill you?

This week’s main topic is how to make the surgical vet visit run smoothly from the client and pet perspective. Tips such as completing as much paperwork as possible before the surgery, having the client leave some favourite food and bedding items, and sending dog and cats home with a bandana are discussed – and more!

We are excited to announce our competition. It’s easy to enter and you can win a signed copy of A Guide to Health and Disease in Reptiles and Amphibians, a text Brendan has co-authored. We will even pay for the postage to send it to the winner! How to enter: email us a funny veterinary story that you have witnessed –  either as a veterinarian or a veterinary nurse/technician. Easy! send your story to  Mark and Brendan will review the entries and announce the winner in an upcoming podcast. Good luck!


Woman has the same pet for 56 years

Can a newt kill you?

Declawing linked to aggression and other abnormal behaviours in cats

Caring for a sick pet can increase anxiety, depression

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